RNIB (Royal National Institute of Blind People).

They believe that blind and partially sighted people should be able to travel by train with ease and confidence.

RNID (Royal National Institute for Deaf People).

If you're registered deaf or use hearing aids, you and your travelling companion could get a third off rail travel. You may also be eligible for free or discounted travel on local public transport.

Age Concern (for a free “I Can’t Wait!” incontinence card).

When you're out and about the last thing you want on your mind is the worry of getting to a toilet in time. Restricted toilet access, long queues, or having to make a purchase to use facilities can all pose problems.  If you place your request today, you'll receive a full size toilet card aswell as a key fob card, both free. Just pay for delivery.

National Autism Society

Please click this link to read a guide to autism-friendly travelling by train.

Anxiety UK

Here is a very interesting read on improvements suggested by this charity to make travelling on trains better for those that suffer with anxiety, stress and/or depression.

N.B. Always speak to your GP for proper medical assistance and qualified treatment.


This is the fear of trains, railroads or traveling on trains. Visit this website for useful coping mechanisms and self-help tips. You may also wish to visit Anxiety UK above.

N.B. Always speak to your GP for proper medical assistance and qualified treatment.

National Rail for people with disabilities

Do you need any extra help traveling by train? Here is a quick guide of what you can expect from all train companies as a customer with a disability.

Northern Rail Travel Assistance

They participate in a system called Passenger Assist which older and disabled customers can use to arrange assistance. This is an industry-wide system used to book assistance at stations for passengers during their journey and to reserve seats and wheelchair spaces on trains where available.